7 Foods That Can Help Kids Stay Sharp And Enhance Their Brain Development

Do you know that your kids' diet may be affecting their academic performance. Some foods contains nutrients that may influence a child's mental development and psychological well being. These kind of foods are called brain foods.
According to WebMD, the following foods may boost the brain health of your kids:

1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in proteins, biotin, choline, lutein and zeaxanthin. They are also rich in vitamin A, B12 and vitamin B6. Some of these nutrients may help improve the health of the nervous system.

You may serve your child scrambled or boiled eggs with some whole grain pasta. This kind of food will prevent the child from becoming hungry so easily which may interfere with learning and concentration.

2. Leafy greens.

Leafy greens are packed with important nutrients such as vitamin C and A and other vitamins such as folate. This nutrients are very important for mental development of your child.

Children very often may not like leafy greens but try to add them to other more attractive foods so that they can enjoy them.

3. Nuts. and seeds

Nuts are nutritious powerhouse. They are rich in proteins,fiber, healthy fats and vitamin E. The brain needs some healthy fats a lot for optimal performance.

Instead of sugary biscuits for your children give them peanuts,or walnuts as snacks. You may also add some almonds ,to oatmeal for delicious and refreshing menu.

4. Greek yoghurt.

Greek yogurt is a highly proteinous and nutritious food for your child. It contains a little more proteins than other yoghurt and has no sugar.

You can add some blueberries into Greek yoghurt for a very refreshing dish that will help your child brain. Berries provide some vitamins and antioxidants to support your child's brain.

5. Oily fishes.

Oily fishes such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are packed with omega 3 fatty acids which is very good for your heart and brain. You can add fishes to your diet in a variety of ways. Make sure that your kid's get at least two servings of these every week.


Oatmeal is a very nutritious carbs for your child. It is a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals in one food. You may add banana, or almonds to sweeten your child's oatmeal.

They keep the child full for long and prevent blood sugar spikes which may cause hunger and interfere with concentration.

7. Apples and plums.

Childrens normally crave for sweets. According to WebMD, apples and sweets are a good way of satisfying your child's craving for sweets without compromising their health.

Instead of biscuits, make fruits such as apples and plums snacks for your child's lunchbox. They contain quercetin, a flavonoid which may fight decline in mental skills.... Continue Reading


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